I Am In No Hurry: Trisha

Friday, March 5, 2010

Trisha’s drape around might have wrecked yesterday at what moment in time ‘Vinnaithandi Varuvaya’ saw the brightness of the daylight hours. However, the performer says she is in no necessity to suggestion new-fangled projects and is unbreakable to please earlier than signing on the sprinkled procession."I would like to be very watchful as my line of business is at an important segment now. I want to look at good quality scripts and concentrate only on a few movie theater at a time. Number entertainment is no more an issue," she says.Saying there is breathing space for every star based on their hard work and faculty, Trisha says anyone aspirant to make it big in films can find their own function in today's industry scenario, everywhere talent is given utmost importance.On 'Vinnaithandi Varuvaya', she says, "The expectations made me apprehensive. However, I am contented about the feedback the film is getting at the moment. Because, the script is all about romance with a refreshing treatment. It's a role I enjoyed to the full."


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